Elizabeth Homan M.Photog, Cr, API, CPP
Elizabeth and Trey own and operate Artistic Images portrait studio in San Antonio, Texas where they have enjoyed a hugely successful studio for the past 30 years. The studio is located on 2 ½ wooded acres where they have created a beautiful portrait garden. Elizabeth is known for her artistic portraiture of families, children and high school seniors and her incredible Destination Portraits.
Elizabeth has won countless awards for her portraiture, including her wedding and portrait albums. She has 14 Fuji Masterpiece awards, 5 Kodak Gallery awards and over 35 Loan collection images. She was selected as a PPA ELITE member for the past 8 years and has recently had 2 images selected as a Top Ten finalist for the Grand Imaging Awards.
Trey manages the studio, computer systems, album design and designs all of the marketing pieces. Trey is also known as the “baby whisperer” and has a fantastic rapport with children of all ages. Not to mention: groundskeeper, plumber, electrician and computer repair technician.
On a personal note, Trey and Elizabeth have 3 teenage boys, one with special needs, that keep them busy as well. When they are not at home or working at the studio, they travel around the world leading tours of fabulous places for photographers. Elizabeth loves what she does and hopes to always be able to encourage others!
The TOP 10 things you need to know to help your business grow!
Elizabeth spells out the top 10 things that she does, that she feels are invaluable for a photography business to be profitable and sustainable in the current market. Unfortunately, so many photographic artists forget about the business portion of their photography “business”.
You will have some great take away items from this no-nonsense program.